Temporary move to Christleton Sports Centre
Due to the Northgate Arena closing the swimming facilities for refurbishment, we have moved to Christleton Sports Centre until February 2026. Sessions are between 7:30pm and 8:30pm.
Due to the Northgate Arena closing the swimming facilities for refurbishment, we have moved to Christleton Sports Centre until February 2026. Sessions are between 7:30pm and 8:30pm.
NASCH national: Saturday, 4 Nov, Leamington Spa.
If you’re interested in being involved have a word
with Lorraine.
Disco, buffet, Santa and raffle (please bring a prize).
Upton British Legion Club, Friday, 8 December, 7.30 onward.
You can let us know nearer the time if you plan on coming.
11 December is the last swim date this year. Swimming restarts on 8 January 2024.
As the training pool is closed until Feb 13th, the session for the 7th has been cancelled. Please contact Brio Leisure if you have already made a booking.
Last swimming session for the year is 13 December. We will resume on 10 January 2022. The usual online booking system will remain in place and you can do a block of 3-4 sessions or go in on the day and book in person before 5pm.
Brio Leisure, the organisation that runs the Northgate Arena, has agreed a return to swimming on 20 September. Social distancing measures are still in place, so for now, sessions will be limited to 45 minutes and you won’t be able to just turn up. Instead you’ll have to book online using a Brio Leisure card and pay accordingly.
Website link: https://www.brioleisure.org/bookings/leisure-bookings
Brio card: https://www.brioleisure.org/memberships-and-prices/pay-as-you-go
Alternatively, if you can’t book online you can reserve your place in person on the same day before 5pm.
At the moment numbers are limited to 20 swimmers. This does not include helpers, who will only need to book if they are swimming. We start at 7:15 and finish at 8pm, so book early and come in good time if you want to get the full 45-minutes swim.
We will assume that all have been vaccinated and if people feel the need to wear masks we would encourage it. Any changing facilities rules will have been set by Brio, so if you require further information you’ll need to ask one of their employees for advice when you arrive. Lorraine and Diane will be poolside to meet and greet everybody.
We are writing to advise you that, as things stand, we can’t give you a date when we as a club will resume swimming at the Northgate Arena. While Brio Leisure is open at the moment, their strict regime of limiting the number of people going into the water simply would not work for us, as it would require a great deal of organising in order to restrict numbers and to reserve time slots. We have to consider, also, that some of our members need one-to-one support in the pool and given the risks with the pandemic, we would not be allowed to assign any of our helpers to work with anybody. However, you can go under your own steam and reserve a time slot to use the leisure pool by making your own booking arrangements, which would be wholly independent of Terrapins involvement.
Additionally, we’re sure you’ll appreciate that until it’s safe to do so, we’re not able to engage in any other club activities, such as the Christmas party or trips out.
It’s possible that some of you might decide to call it a day with Terrapins. If this is the case and to avoid our having to send out further unwanted correspondence to you, please would you let us know. You can drop us a quick note, ring the number quoted above, or if you’re on email you can send a message to
We thank you all for your patience during this difficult time and hope that everybody will take good care of themselves and keep well.
We had a fun time at Chester University pool with our Region 10 gala. There were 3 teams entered, Chester Terrapins, Blackpool Polar Bears and Winsford Turtles. The races were hard fought and our three swimmers Alison Jones, Michelle Pitchford-Hall and Declan Kerry all came away with medals. Declan had one of each, a bronze, a silver and a gold. Michelle had a gold and a bronze and Alison a bronze medal, well done. Michelle and Declan will both represent Chester Terrapins at the National Finals in Leamington Spa in November.
Declan and John swam in the NASCH Region 10 gala held at Chester University pool on the 3rd September representing Terrapins they were swimming against Blackpool Polar Bears and Winsford Turtles. The races were fiercely fought. Declan came second in the Men’s 2 lengths and Men’s 4 lengths races. John came third in his race the Men’s 1 length. They came 3rd in the Men’s relay race too so another bronze medal for them. Well done to all the swimmers from Region 10. The finals gala is held in Leamington Spa on the 4thNovember.
Due to circumstances beyond our control with booking arrangements and the imposition of new charges by Brio Leisure we are having to make some changes to the way we run the club. Until now we were able to use the training pool at no cost and the money collected each week was used for the upkeep of the hoist, swimming galas, parties, NASCH membership, club insurance and occasional trips.
However, come the autumn we will have to pay the commercial rate (£100 p/hr discounted to £80) to use the facilities, which means that in order to pay our way, we shall have to increase the amount we currently charge from £2 to £3 per session, starting the first week in September, with a further increase at a later date (to be advised).
Also, swimming time in the training pool is to be reduced to an hour and a quarter, i.e. from 7.15 to 8.30, also starting in September. However, as a special concession, Brio will allow anybody who would like to stay the extra 15-minutes to use the leisure pool, but it’s important to bear in mind that they won’t be supervised by Terrapin helpers.
At some point swimmers who are not already members of Brio Leisure will have to apply for a concessionary membership card, which will entitle them to a 20% discount. We’re not sure when this will come into effect, but we will let you know once we have the information.
Our regular newsletter with details of forthcoming events will follow shortly. However, please note beforehand that the new charges will have a significant impact on our finances and so, regrettably, we will have to start charging for the Christmas party. For Terrapins the cost will be £2 per head and for all others it will be £4.
We sincerely hope you won’t be unduly inconvenienced by these changes and that you understand why we have to impose them.
Neil celebrated his birthday in July. Happy Birthday hope you had a fun day.
We had two new members join Terrapins, Chloe and Shauna, we hope they enjoy swimming with us.